F e b r u a r y   2 0 0 6

we got mail!

Sounds like a decent Christmas to us ...

Cavett, curing the common cold & a magic carpet

I am happy to hear Dick Cavett is available on DVD through Netflix [tripewriter, January '06]. I have many memories of sitting with my then-still-stay-at-home mom while she was ironing or sewing and watching the Dick Cavett Show.

Otherwise Christmas was a bit of a bust this year. I was supposed to see the Nutcracker and got derailed by the mini ice storm. Then I went to L.A., got a scratchy throat, came back and got nailed with the Head Cold From Hell. So, that's what I've been doing for the last several days ... burning through Kleenex.

However, I did discover the perfect over-the-counter cocktail: (2) Advil + (1) dose Robitussin on a not very full stomach. I was flying high for a while. It felt great – no coughing, no sinus pain, just a magic carpet ride!


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